Magdy Ahmed Ali discuss secrets of Loop line in the screenplay

Magdy Ahmed Ali discuss secrets of Loop line in the screenplay

Today, the cultured Egyptian director Magdy Ahmed Ali appeared at one of the events of the 56th Cairo International Book Fair. Ali’s participation was in a special symposium to discuss the book “The Scenario.. A Guide to Professional Drama” by screenwriter Mohamed Rafie, published by the Egyptian Lebanese House.

The symposium brought together an elite group of specialists, with the participation of Dr. Asmaa Yahya Al-Taher Abdullah, Professor of Theater at the Faculty of Arts at Helwan University, and was moderated by media figure Iman Al-Shamiya. Al-Shamiya opened the symposium with welcoming words, praising the book fair as a window to learn about the latest releases, and specifically mentioned the book “The Scenario.. A Guide to Professional Drama”, which sheds light on the art of screenwriting, noting her long knowledge of Mohamed Rafie’s works as a novelist and screenwriter. She also noted the distinction of the platform’s guests; Director Magdy Ahmed Ali, who is famous for his humane feelings in his artistic works, and Dr. Asmaa Yahya Al-Taher Abdullah, who carries a distinctive literary and intellectual legacy.

For his part, Director Magdy Ahmed Ali expressed his pride in participating in the discussion of this book, describing it as an “important addition” to the Arab library, as he considered it a comprehensive reference for anyone interested in the art of screenwriting. He explained that the book presents the screenplay as a distinctive craft, highlighting the difference between dramatic and cinematic treatment, with a focus on the art of drama as a story free from the constraints of time and place. He stressed the importance of directors understanding the screenplay as a message directed to all members of the work team to transform the text into moving images on the screen. He also pointed out the importance of “cultural concern” in writing the screenplay, considering it an essential element that reflects the depth of the artistic vision.

For her part, Dr. Asmaa Yahya Al-Taher Abdullah praised the book, describing it as an essential work for anyone working in the fields of cinema, drama and theater. She praised the book’s coverage of 36 main themes of dramatic writing, in addition to presenting pivotal questions that contribute to developing dramatic texts. She considered the book a practical guide that opens new horizons for screenwriters.

As for the writer, Muhammad Rafi, he talked about the backstage of writing the book, explaining that his passion for learning the art of screenwriting prompted him to conduct extensive research in Arab and foreign libraries, but he found that the available content lacked coherence and comprehensiveness. He added that this gap is what motivated him to organize his ideas and formulate this book to be a practical reference for beginners and professionals alike. He stressed that he worked hard to present the material in a smooth and easy-to-understand style, with a focus on facilitating the understanding of the themes and language specific to the screenplay.