In an official statement, Azores Airlines warn all travellers that they cancelled most of flights till end of March !
Due to the current situation regarding Covid-19 and in accordance with the recent restrictions imposed by the Autonomous Region of the Azores, Azores Airlines flights, coming from outside the Region, are concentrated at the airports of Ponta Delgada, São Miguel island, and Lajes, Terceira island.
In this sense, flights between Lisbon – Pico – Lisbon; Lisbon – Horta – Lisbon and Lisbon – Santa Maria – Lisbon were canceled, flights from March 15th to March 31st. Passengers with tickets for these flights can change their travels without penalty and without fare difference. For more information contact your point of sale.
Regarding the remaining Azores Airlines routes, adjustments were made to the operation. Check updates on our flights at
Inter-island flights operated by Sata Air Açores continue to operate without changes.
All passengers on flights from abroad who land in the Region are, since the beginning of the afternoon today, obliged to comply with a mandatory quarantine period of 14 days, determined by the Regional Health Authority. They are also required to sign a declaration that states that if they do not comply with the mandatory quarantine period, they are committing the crime of disobedience and, as such, a complaint will be published with the judicial authorities.
In addition to this measure, all passengers from outside the Region are subject to the completion of screening inquiries for possible suspected cases of infection by the new coronavirus COVID-19, a preventive measure that is being coordinated, in each of the airports. , by the health delegates of the respective islands. These questionnaires can determine, in each of the passengers registered abroad, the presence of epidemiological and clinical criteria associated with COVID-19.
Whenever, following the information provided in the questionnaires, which are filled out before disembarkation, there is a validation of a suspicious case, that passenger is isolated by screening, through laboratory analyzes.
If there is a refusal to complete the screening questionnaire, the passenger is automatically prevented from disembarking by the health delegate.
As crews on these flights, in case of disembarkation, they are subject to these measures.
For additional information, please contact the Azores Non-Medical Clarification line 800 29 29 29, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, every day of the week or contact
A daily update will be available for flights that take place the following day. Consult this list daily through
S4221 LISBON – PONTA DELGADA 13:05 – 14:30
S4127 LISBON – PONTA DELGADA 17:10 – 18:35
S4320 PONTA DELGADA – LISBON 07:30 – 10:40
S4128 PONTA DELGADA – LISBON 19:35 – 22:45
S4174 PONTA DELGADA – PORTO 18:00 – 21:10
S4175 PORTO – PONTA DELGADA 22:05 – 23:30
S4221 PONTA DELGADA – BOSTON 15:45 – 18:55
S4280 BOSTON – PONTA DELGADA 22:20 – 06:15 (NEXT DAY)
Inter-island flights keep their schedule unchanged.
We ask that you contact us by phone if you are going to travel or intend to change a trip for the next 5 (five) days.
For trips on posterior dates, we ask that you contact us later.
We thank you for your understanding and collaboration, which at this moment is essential to give a better response to everyone.