In a dazzling surprise and a distinctive show during the closing of the seventh season of Arabs Got Talent, the Lebanese singrr Najwa Karam, dazzled the audience and thousands of followers in front of MBC Group screens, and presented for the first time her new hit “Awwaqet Qalbi” amidst an exceptional global show, presented by an international show band.
Karam renews her collaboration in her new song with composer Imad Shams El-Din and music distributor Hadi Sharara, while Elie Barbar was in charge of the mixing and mastering, after the lyrics were written by Mazen Daher.
The video “Awwaqet Qalbi” was shown exclusively on Rotana’s YouTube channel, directed by Lebanese director Imad Abboud, and included dazzling show scenes that the audience interacted with at the closing of the episodes of the seventh season of Arabs Got Talent.
The song was also shown audio-on most of Arab radio stations and specialized music platforms.
song “Awwaqet Qalbi” by Najwa Karam on YouTube: